
    TMCCS S(α,β)

    Released: 2003-07-25

    Update to the TMCCS Library (Feb. 2003)

    Several data tables for Zr in ZrH have been distributed previously as part of the TMCCS library (e.g., zr/h.01t, zr/h.02t, etc.). The integer ZAID list for these tables in the previous release of TMCCS contained 40000 only. This was appropriate, because 40000 was the only nuclide for which continuous-energy Zr data had been distributed. With the release of the ENDF66 library, we now provide continuous-energy data for not only natural Zr (40000), but also for several isotopes of Zr (40090, 40091, 40092, 40094, and 40096). Therefore, the concurrent release of TMCCS includes an updated list of integer ZAIDs for which the zr/h data are appropriate - the superset of the element and the isotopes. This allows the older zr/h S(α,β) data to now be used with the new ENDF66 isotopic Zr transport data.


    1. "SAB2002 - An S(a,b ) Library for MCNP," Little, R.C, MacFarlane, R.E, (2003), LA-UR-03-808

    2. "New Thermal Neutron Scattering Files for ENDF/B-VI Release 2," MacFarlane, R.E, (1994), LA-12693

    3. "MCNP S(α,β) Detector Scheme," Hendricks, J.S, Prael, R.E, LA-11952


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    If further information is required contact a member of the Data Team by e-mail at