
    Dosimetry Data Libraries

    Released: 1984-07-20

    The dosimetry libraries 531DOS2 and 532DOS2 contain data for 61 nuclides (ZAIDs) based on ENDF/B-V. These libraries were processed in 1984. The LLLDOS2 dosimetry library is based on ACTL from LLNL, was processed in 1983, and contains data for 374 nuclides. There have been no further changes to the data provided by LLNL since the original processing. The following updated memorandum discusses the use of dosimetry data with MCNP and gives detailed information for each nuclide in PDF format, LA-UR-98-549.


    1. "Dosimetry/Activation Cross Sections for MCNP", Little, R.C, Seamon, R.E. (1984), LA-UR-98-549


    531DOS2 can be downloaded either as a zip file or as a compressed tarball

    • (sha512 e80f1068c8844c38ce6b1885adbf16ae8a32de20de7195493bb3ee5247a43ea53fdeff42cc6783f186d9056a263c222d25dd8f9735c4a08fd7ca01f48906cc42)
    • 531dos.tgz (sha512 5db64c8b67792319128e6368d9ae9491eafc26ad0101479d776dc038daf17a1ed61cd5bb17ba9e6bfced9e34ba94b6d34f218d747eb0d736f8cd3b7e3c586325)

    If further information is required contact a member of the Data Team by e-mail at